Police Codes
101 - Disturbance
102 - Intoxicated
103 - Property Damage
104 - Potentially Violent Disturbance
105 - Assistance Required
106 - Domestic Violence
107 - Street Offenses
108 - Miscellaneous
109 - Standby Breach of Peace
110 - Bona Fides
111 - Check Welfare
112 - Mental Health Incident
113 - Drug Incident
114 - Drug Search
201 - Accident
201A - Accident (Injury)
202 - Accident (Fatal)
203 - Accident (Hit & Run)
204 - Accident (Departmental)
205 - Accident (Miscellaneous)
206 - Accident (Industrial / Domestic)
207 - Person Collapsed
208 - Gas Leak
209 - Spillage
301 - Larceny
302 - Robbery
303 - Armed Holdup
304 - Shoplifter
305 - Fraud / Cheques
401 - Alarm
401A - Audible Alarm
402 - Breaker on Premises
403 - Intruder on Premises
404 - Suspect Loitering
405 - Premises Open
406 - Breaking
407 - Escapee
501 - Assault
502 - Assault (Indecent)
503 - Homicide
504 - Sudden Death
505 - Rape
506 - Indecent Exposure
507 - Child Abuse
508 - Abduction
509 - Armed Offender / Siege
601 - High Speed Pursuit
602 - D.U.I / P.C.A.
603 - Traffic Breach
604 - Stolen Vehicle
605 - Interference with Motor Vehicle
606- Vehicle Abandoned
607- Traffic Lights U/S
608- Traffic Hazard
701- Fire (Building)
702 - Fire (Grass / Scrub)
703 -Fire (Vehicle)
704 - Fire (Rubbish)
705 - Fire (Fence)
706 - Explosives Found
801 - Police in Trouble
802 - Bomb Report
803 - Animal Distress (Injury)
804 - Animals (Straying)
805 - Missing Persons Report
806 - Conveyance / Enquiry
807 - Flare Sighting
808 - Vessel Overdue
809 - Rescue
810 - Storm Damage
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